Through the use of data analysis, companies can expect to gain real insight into their employees and significantly improve their chances of increasing productivity in the workplace. In turn, this leads to increased profitability.
Key Facts
- Diagnose underperformance
- Effectively analyse employee performance
- Address gaps in performance
Whatever method of performance management you use, to do it effectively it is useful to analyse employees’ current performance first and relate it to the overall performance of the team and the organisation. Like a doctor, your first job is diagnosis; to determine why an employee or team may not be performing as expected.
INSPIRING can help you develop and implement an effective process for analysing employee performance. Using our range of online tools, you will be able to pinpoint the possible reasons for gaps in an employee’s performance and subsequently identify possible approaches for addressing the performance gap.
When working as a team with INSPIRING we can offer your organisation a whole host of tools and initiatives including:
- Online 180 to 360° assessment of skills
- Personal Development Plans
- Training needs assessments
- Survey feedback and development initiatives
- Develop role profiles and position definition/description
- Benchmarking activities
An uplift in employee performance will boost team morale and efficiency. The number of poor and marginal performers will be decreased, reducing tension within teams and increasing productivity. Performance analysis should form part of your people management process. Identifying training needs will ensure that you are getting the most from your staff.
Work with our expert team to use a data-driven approach to performance management. Addressing any gaps in performance can improve customer satisfaction and retention and increase revenue and profit growth. Do you want to drive business success in your organisation? Take advantage of our performance management solutions. It takes a team to do it.