Legal practices in any jurisdiction in the world can apply for accreditation against the Lexcel Standard, regardless of the size or type of work undertaken.

Lexcel Assessment BodyThere are currently 2 versions of the Lexcel Practice Management Standard available to all legal practices depending on where they are based:

  • Lexcel Version 6.1 England and Wales is the version of the Standard for legal practices in England and Wales
  • Lexcel Version 5.1 International is the version of the Standard for practices in England and Wales with offices overseas and practices in foreign jurisdictions.

IBP’s experienced team of assessors have worked with practices both in England and Wales and have assessed against Lexcel International. Our team are experienced in working with all size of legal practice from the sole practitioner to large, complex multi sited firms, and also in house legal practice teams.

Lexcel version 6.1

There are 2 versions of Lexcel Version 6.1 England and Wales:

  • One is for in-house legal departments including those in the public sector, law centres and not for profit and government organisations.
  • The other version is for legal practices whose head office is in England and Wales, and who are regulated by the SRA.

Legal Aid Contracts

If your firm is tendering for a legal aid contract, the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) will allow Lexcel to be relied on as your quality standard of choice instead of the Specialist Quality Mark (SQM). 

If you currently hold SQM and would like more information on moving to Lexcel, please give Josie Addleton, our Lexcel Quality Manager a call on 07971 509502. Josie is a qualified and experienced Lexcel Assessor and SQM auditor.

Combining Lexcel with other Standards

It is possible to combine Lexcel with other quality standards, which may reduce the time required for your assessment and save on costs. Other quality standards include Investors in People and ISO 9001.